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Free Video Calls on Computer - Skype

Dear Dr. Dave and Dr Dee,

My son wants to chat with me using the computer, but I am not sure if that is a good idea. My son is always into the latest gadgets, so I think this may be another one of those things. I have a computer, but is this an idea that is here to stay, so should I spend the money?


Computer illiterate

Dear Computer illiterate,

You probably already know that you can email just about anywhere in the world. But, you can also use the computer to verbally communicate anywhere in the world for free if you have a broadband (high speed Internet) connection.

One free communication tool is Skype. It is easy to download and use on your computer in order to chat, video call, and text message with other people who have Skype on their computer.

Skype provides free unlimited computer to computer calls to family and friends anytime and just about anywhere. However, if you want to call land lines or cell phones, then there is a fee per month.

Your computer might already have a built-in microphone and webcam, or you may need to purchase a microphone and video attachment for your computer. If you are not sure, then ask your son who may know the hardware specs of your computer since he is into gadgets.

For more information about free calls, go to