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Heels Rough - Buff and Bag Balm
> Bag Balm for Diaper Rash and Other Problems
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Bag Balm for Diaper Rash and Other Problems
Dear Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee,
Just to let you know that I've been using Bag Balm for years, and recently used it to get rid of my son's diaper rash.
Bag Balm Tip
Dear Bag Balm Tip,
Yes, Bag Balm does help other problems besides dry skin and the product has high ratings at for a variety of skin conditions.
Bag Balm can also help diaper rash, rough heels, cuts, sunburns, and chapped lips. (See letter, "Heels Rough - Buff and Bag Balm" below).
For more information about the product, see
Heels Rough - Buff and Bag Balm
Skin and Rash Conditions
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